AS141995 Contabo Asia Private Limited, page 2

Spam statistics of AS141995 Contabo Asia Private Limited

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Singapore223 663Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-6 3262183.45%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
43 4818 920

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS141995

AS141995 is an autonomous system number (ASN) that is registered and managed by a specific entity. As with any ASN, it's important to understand the context in which it operates, its ownership, and any potential misuse.

Ownership of AS141995

The owner of AS141995 can be identified through regional internet registry databases or other online resources that track ASNs. The exact ownership details would typically include the name of the organization, its contact information, and possibly the administrative and technical contacts responsible for the ASN.

Main Operational Activity of AS141995

The primary operational activity of the owner of AS141995 would typically revolve around managing internet connectivity and routing within the scope of the network services they provide. This could include hosting services, internet service provision, or managing a private network for a large organization.

Establishment of AS141995

AS141995 would have been established on a specific date when it was registered with the relevant regional internet registry. This information provides insight into how long the ASN has been in operation and may correlate with the maturity and stability of the network being managed.

Potential Malicious Use of AS141995

Like any autonomous system, AS141995 could potentially be exploited by hackers or spammers. Reports of such activities would typically be documented by cybersecurity organizations and services that monitor the reputation of network entities. Whether AS141995 has been used for malicious intent can be verified by checking blacklists and reputation services, such as CleanTalk.

Details from on AS141995

To determine if there have been reports of malicious activities associated with AS141995, one can reference data from CleanTalk maintains a database of IP addresses and ASNs known for spamming or other harmful actions. They track various metrics, including the volume of spam originating from an ASN, the last seen date of suspicious activity, and the overall reputation score.

WhoIs AS141995


SPAM active IP addresses in AS141995 Contabo Asia Private Limited

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 06:15:382024-09-14 12:00:4659 17:05:262024-09-10 14:35:4818
362.72.45.1932023-09-15 05:15:202024-09-10 05:30:4049
462.72.46.1062024-09-13 11:55:332024-09-13 23:35:295
562.146.169.1322024-08-04 12:50:442024-09-11 21:40:3862
662.146.171.1612024-09-01 04:30:402024-09-09 10:40:3923
762.146.171.1622024-09-03 03:50:292024-09-10 00:35:2317
862.146.224.232024-07-23 10:45:582024-09-05 21:10:3110
962.146.230.172024-08-01 15:10:492024-09-01 06:28:5665
1082.197.70.2362024-09-13 14:20:402024-09-14 12:15:573
1182.197.71.2352024-07-04 04:55:532024-09-13 01:05:51124
1284.247.146.452024-09-14 04:05:472024-09-14 13:10:4319
1384.247.146.1042024-08-11 03:30:402024-09-09 14:28:5975
1494.136.184.2122024-08-11 21:55:292024-09-02 08:28:5716
1594.136.186.1072024-08-27 16:16:002024-09-03 20:35:264
1694.136.186.1762024-08-28 03:00:362024-09-13 23:15:376
17194.233.66.1702021-12-26 07:17:202024-09-08 20:20:3250

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate