AS3130 RGnet Seattle Westin

Spam statistics of AS3130 RGnet Seattle Westin

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About AS3130

Owner of AS3130

The autonomous system (AS) number 3130 is owned by RGnet OU. RGnet OU is a network service provider that operates various internet services.

Main Operational Activity of RGnet OU

The main operational activity of RGnet OU involves providing internet connectivity and related network services to its customers. This can include transit services, hosting, and managing internet infrastructure.

Establishment of AS3130

There is no specific public data readily available regarding the exact establishment date of AS3130. Autonomous System Numbers are often allocated based on the needs of the organization at the time they require an AS, and these details can vary widely between networks.

Malicious Use of AS3130

As with many internet service providers and autonomous systems, there is a potential for misuse by hackers or spammers. According to data from CleanTalk, there may be instances where AS3130 has been used for malicious intent. Here are some details:

  • AS3130's network has been observed having some suspicious activities, which might indicate that it has been used for spamming or other malicious purposes.

  • CleanTalk provides a blacklist service that tracks such activities across different autonomous systems globally, including AS3130.

  • It's important to note that the presence of an AS number in a blacklist does not necessarily mean that the network owner is directly involved in malicious activities; it could also suggest compromised systems within their network being exploited by third parties.

To ensure accurate and current information regarding AS3130's involvement in malicious activities, referring to the latest data from security providers like CleanTalk is recommended.

WhoIs AS3130


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1147.28.0.0/16United States655361044140.00%

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