Spam statistics of AS64267 AS-SPRIO

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States24240 623Paid VPN, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-15 2305 67037.23%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
113 09210 382

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS64267

Owner of AS64267

The owner of AS64267 is Zscaler, Inc., which is a company that specializes in security-as-a-service. They provide an integrated cloud-delivered security solution for businesses to securely connect users to their applications, regardless of device, location, or network.

Main Operational Activity of AS64267's Owner

Zscaler operates a massive, global cloud security infrastructure that provides a broad range of services including secure web gateway, internet security, next-generation firewall, sandboxing, SSL inspection, and threat intelligence. Their main operational activity involves offering these security services to enterprises to help protect against cyber threats and ensure safe internet use.

Establishment of AS64267

Unfortunately, the specific establishment date of AS64267 is not publicly disclosed information. However, Zscaler, the owner of AS64267, was founded in 2008, and has since then expanded its operations globally, which would include the deployment and management of its autonomous system number (ASN).

Malicious Use of AS64267

While no large network can claim immunity from abuse, Zscaler is a security-focused company, and the presence of malicious intent such as hacking or spamming within their systems would be contrary to their core business functions. According to CleanTalk, a database that compiles reports of spam and other abusive behavior, there may be individual instances of malicious activities reported from AS64267. Such incidents could occur on any large network, but it is important to note that these reports do not necessarily imply widespread issues with the network itself, particularly given Zscaler’s focus on security.

Details from CleanTalk

As per CleanTalk's blacklist check, AS64267 does have records of spam activity. However, the data provided by CleanTalk should be interpreted with caution, as individual cases of spam or malicious use do not necessarily reflect the overall conduct of all the users of the autonomous system. Zscaler's role as a security provider suggests that they are likely to take any reports of abuse seriously and work to mitigate any harmful activities associated with their services.

WhoIs AS64267


SPAM active IP addresses in AS64267 AS-SPRIO

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 07:30:252024-06-26 01:20:3512 22:25:302024-06-26 20:50:458
323.27.240.32021-01-15 10:17:192024-07-05 09:20:3841
423.27.240.332022-12-16 15:36:082024-06-28 06:20:4241
523.27.240.342023-08-26 15:33:482024-07-04 15:05:3223
623.27.240.432021-01-02 10:43:182024-07-03 08:25:327
723.27.240.502023-08-21 19:28:202024-07-05 09:00:3516
823.27.240.572021-01-04 11:39:052024-07-04 12:32:3446
923.27.240.612020-12-23 14:13:262024-07-02 20:56:5234
1023.27.240.622021-01-04 03:48:302024-07-05 06:05:4893
1123.27.240.672023-09-13 17:01:352024-06-25 10:01:0121
1223.27.240.762022-12-21 06:05:452024-06-27 19:25:3542
1323.27.240.782021-01-15 13:46:592024-07-05 03:55:3082
1423.27.240.832020-10-15 01:16:482024-07-04 17:11:0527
1523.27.240.842021-01-14 11:40:482024-06-27 07:30:4242
1623.27.240.882023-08-27 11:20:052024-07-04 06:55:3320
1723.27.240.912020-10-16 02:14:202024-07-05 09:10:5925
1823.27.240.922020-11-11 19:29:522024-06-26 21:45:3342
1923.27.240.932020-11-13 03:20:242024-06-26 17:25:4939
2023.27.240.942020-12-25 20:11:092024-07-05 09:10:3685
2123.27.240.1072021-01-12 21:43:442024-07-04 17:15:3834
2223.27.240.1142021-01-12 18:43:262024-07-04 08:20:4035
2323.27.240.1152023-08-15 01:45:502024-07-03 18:41:0727
2423.27.240.1182021-01-05 11:58:022024-07-05 08:30:3376
2523.27.240.1252020-12-19 11:02:422024-07-04 23:50:3645
2623.27.240.1282023-08-17 00:05:462024-07-04 15:25:3120
2723.27.240.1332020-10-11 02:16:162024-07-05 08:40:5344
2823.27.240.1372020-10-31 01:26:342024-07-05 02:05:3127
2923.27.240.1422020-12-19 07:06:312024-07-05 07:10:3380
3023.27.240.1432020-10-30 20:10:502024-07-05 09:30:3897

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1139.180.0.0/16United States655361238518853.00%
2152.44.96.0/20United States4096130048812.00%
3191.101.64.0/22South Korea102470541841.00%
4181.214.208.0/22United States102477339238.00%
5192.171.80.0/20United States409612273689.00%
6167.160.72.0/21United States204891435317.00%
7167.160.64.0/21United States204890331816.00%
9168.91.8.0/21United States204877329414.00%
10162.244.144.0/21United States204882627013.00%
11152.44.104.0/21United States204871926313.00%
12181.215.200.0/21South Korea204851225312.00%
13139.180.0.0/21United States204863825212.00%
14179.61.188.0/22United States102472123723.00%
15149.20.240.0/21United States204874023511.00%
16216.213.24.0/21United States204857723111.00%
18216.180.104.0/21United States204863021711.00%
19168.91.32.0/21United States20485001909.00%
20142.147.104.0/21United States20486351899.00%
21167.160.72.0/22United States102444918518.00%
22139.180.228.0/22United States102447318318.00%
24167.160.64.0/22United States102448817617.00%
26167.160.76.0/22United States102446516816.00%
28167.160.68.0/22United States102441514214.00%
29162.244.144.0/22United States102443314014.00%